Hidden in the shadowy corners of the internet and the bustling activity of financial institutions, scammers tirelessly innovate new ways to exploit the vulnerable. From elaborate phishing emails to high-stakes bank fraud, the tactics are as diverse as they are damaging. If there’s one common thread, Jamie McKeon, fraud expert and a Strategic Fraud Operations Specialist at NoFraud, has noticed it’s that scammers are constantly finding ways to target vulnerable victims.
Previously a bank teller and later a private client banker, Jamie found the fraud aspect of banking particularly intriguing, which drew her to her current position. At NoFraud, she focuses on tailoring fraud prevention solutions for new merchants and closely monitors existing accounts to detect any emerging fraud patterns. Her work involves adjusting logical frameworks to better identify fraudulent transactions and working directly with merchants to understand and solve their specific security challenges. Being on the front lines, Jamie is privy to the latest trends and tactics fraudsters are attempting.
In this article, Jamie shares real-life scammer stories and what she’s learned merchants need to do to keep their business running seamlessly.