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Brute Force Attacks 101

Brute force attacks can have a devastating impact on your eCommerce business, resulting in lost revenue, stunted growth, and a damaged customer experience. They can lead to unauthorized access to customer data, data breaches, malware and ransomware infections, and loss of customer trust and reputation damage. In today’s competitive eCommerce landscape, protecting your online store and customer experience from cyberattacks is crucial for long-term success.

What Are Brute Force Attacks?

Brute force attacks are a type of cyberattack that can compromise your online store’s security and put your customers’ sensitive information at risk. Attackers use automated software, often powered by botnets, to guess or crack passwords, encryption keys, or other secure information by systematically trying all possible combinations.

Common Types of Brute Force Attacks

  • Credential stuffing: Attackers use lists of previously compromised username and password pairs to gain unauthorized access to customer accounts. This is often done using bots or botnets to rapidly try multiple combinations.
  • Password cracking: Attackers use automated software, potentially powered by botnets, to guess or crack passwords used by customers or administrators.

How to Prevent Cyberattacks

  • Implement strong password policies
  • Enable multi-factor authentication
  • Use rate limiting and IP blocking to prevent bots from attempting cyberattacks
  • Keep your eCommerce platform and extensions up-to-date
  • Use a reputable security plugin or module to detect and prevent botnet activity
  • Monitor your website’s traffic and login attempts regularly for signs of bot or botnet activity
  • Educate your customers on the importance of using strong passwords and keeping their information up-to-date
  • Stay informed about the latest security threats and best practices to protect your online store and customers’ sensitive information

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